Draw Something Pwetty
Do your Makeup
Vent about yo Crushes!
Talk to the First BFF in mind
Write a list of Body Positivity
Watch that one movie that people would make fun of you for liking
Try something new
Look in A mirror, and give yourself compliments
Make that one food you wish you knew how to maje
Browse Amazon for those items that are totally out of this girls price range
Google "Do a 360°" Trust me lol
Put on an outfit that makes you feel confident
Take pictures
Do a beauty routine you normally wouldn't do
Laugh at your self sometime!
Read that book you have meant to be reading
Do a new hairstyle
Watch the Youtuber you secretly love
Browse social media
Sing your favorite song
Take a Shower
Try a new hair product
Call an old friend
Talk to a person you love
Google top restaurants in your town
Go crazy for your favorite animals
Go for a walk
Take a break- you deserve it!
Find a quick 15- 30 minute workout video
Go for a jog
Have a spa day
Whip up a quick healthy snack
Do a face mask
Do a quick craft
Write a letter to your future self
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