Clean your room Make slime Play with squishies Read a book Play with slime Make a random craft Annoy your sibling Play outside Prank someone Do your homework Spin again Write a letter to someone Clean Talk to your parents Go to a friend’s house Look at old photo albums Rearrange furniture Make your bed Doodle Dance Write in a notebook or journal or diary Decorate or redecorate your room Paint Write a book Stretch Cook something Sing something Do a TikTok dance or make your own Do laundry Try on all your clothes Change your bedding Go on a walk Set up mood lighting in your room Create a room aesthetic Make a light switch cover out of scrapbook paper Decorate a blank pillowcase Plan a party Talk to your parents Play with your little sibling Write a movie script Role play with friends Make up new abbreviations Practice an instrument Plan your next birthday Do yoga See how long you can stand on one foot Make a list of things you like and dislike Discover a new life hack Annoy your friends Write a letter to someone Make a spot in your room to just chill Paint your nails Draw what you think you will look like in 20 years Make a graphic novel Make a wishlist Rearrange your closet layout Write a thank you note Decorate a calander or planner Make an autobiography Put together a costume Make a new cover for a notebook, folder, or binder Photography Workout Try handstands Practice cartwheels

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