Keep your self alive
Seven Seas of Rhye
Killer Queen
Now I'm Here
Bohemian rhapsody
Your my best friend
Love of my Life
I'm in love with my car
Good old fashioned lover boy
Somebody to love
Tie your mother down
We will rock you
We are the Champions
Don't stop me now
Fat bottomed girls
Bicycle race
Crazy little thing called love
Save me
Another one bites the dust
Play the game
Under pressure
Radio gaga
It's a Hard Life
I want to break Free
Hammer to fall
Thank God it's Christmas
Mr Bad Guy
Living on my own
One vision
A kind of magic
Who wants to live forever
Princes of the universe
The great pretender
The invisible man
I want it all
The miracle
The show must go on
These are the days of our lives
Mother love
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