Ultra juggernaut Plasma monke fan club Crossbow master Glaive lord Perma charge Moab domination Bloons crush Moab eliminator Bomb blitz Inferno ring Super maelstrom The tack zone Super brittle Absolute zero Icicle impale The bloon solver Glue storm Super glue Cripple moab Elite sniper Elite defender Energizer Pre-emptive strike Sub commander Carrier flagship Pirate lord Trade empire Sky shredder Tsar bomba Flying fortress Apache prime Special poperations Comanche commander The biggest one Pop and awe Blooncineration Ray of doom M.A.D Bloons exclusion zone Archmage Wizard lord phoenix Prince of darkness True sun god The anti-bloon Legend of the night Grandmaster ninja Grand saboteur Master bomber Permanent brew Total transformation Bloons master alchemist Superstorm Spirit of the forest Avatar of wrath Super mines Carpet of spikes Perma spike Sentry champion Ultraboost XXXL trap Megalodon Giganotosaurus Pouakai

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Wheel Maker // Spin the Wheel - Random Picker

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