{"Title":"Would u rather","Description":"","FontSize":5,"LabelsList":["Play minecraft or roblox?","Always be naked in the street or you can not leave your house?","Make electricity or paint mona lisa?","Have a bf or gf?","Have facebook or instagram?","Have tiktok or twitter?","Have spotify or youtube?","Have a phone or an ipad?","You have a phone but can only play games or have a computer to only wacth video's?","Have a lady teacher or a men teacher?","Have a speaker or headphone's?","Play fruit ninja or angry birds?","Eat only pizza or burger's?","Listen to only one song or listen only justin bieber's songs?","Be a police or a doctor?","Have a motor bike or a car?","Do a backflip on the bed or a front flip on ground?","Have 1000 rupiah or 10 euros?","Have a boy sibiling or a girl sibiling?","Give someone 20$ or give someone 10000 rupia?","Have a ps3 or a nintendo switch?","Eat fish or chicken?","Play mario kart or mario bros?","Do crazy parcour or do 10 back flips on a tall building","Hate your mom or your dad?","Drink ice tea or coca cola?","Do a yo mama joke to your mom or punch a friend?","Spin again","Break 10 glasses or rip 10 t-shirts?","Run super fast on a marathon or practice in 2 days how to ride a bicycle with only one wheeel","Get your sibling back or get 20 million dollars","Buy a bed only for your sibling or buy a bed only for you","Have no underwear or make your mom angry everyday?","Have a lot of money or have money to survive and have a familly?","Have the biggest ipad in the world or have a TV?","Have no money or have no wifi at all?","Have 2 weeks without screan and win 20$ or have always srean and win no money?","Have no underwear or wear baby underwear?","If you had 1 hour to live would you: play video games or spend time with your familly?","Spin wheels or make new wheels?","Be in a cold room for 10 minutes or in a very hot room for 1 hour?","Spin a wheel at 1× speed 4× speed or 7× speed","Go visit Rome or Paris?","Go to the U.S.A or go to the U.K?","Imagine u know how to drive and well know how to use a phone would u rather: get a car or a phone?","Be named a car brand or a fruit name?","Yellow or green?","See mrbeast in real life or see pewdiepie?","See dream in real life or toast?","Who do you like more peppa or george?","Have a singing cactus or a singing Sand?","You like wich one more: mars (chocolate) or feastables?","An apple phone a 05 or a samsung a 53 phone?","Live in Russia or in Ukraine?","No more polution or no more dry water?","Wich team on?: ♤ ♡ ◇ ♧","Like this :) or like this :}?","Have a name starting with: Z X or Y?","Hack someone or cheat on a math test?","Speak french or japanise?","Keep spining or stop?","Sell a wheel for free but to buy its 200 coins or to sell and you pay 200 and to buy its only 1 coin","Hate sponge bob or watch 30 baby video's?","Have 30 million $ or 30 million loyal friends?","Drop a phone or drop a kitten?","Go to europe or go to north america?","New mom or new dad?","Only eat: green things red things or blue things?","Have a big lambo or a small house?","New mom or new sister? (Or brother)","Go to mcdonald's or KFC?","Have a big private jet or a normal island?","Be a rock star or a movie star?","Never eat chocolate again or never eat pizza again?","Be a genius or a millionaire?","Be a ninja or a mermaid (or merman)","Travel around europe or asia?","Speak 10 lauguages or can speak to animals?","Have bad breath or smelly feet?","Would you swim with sharks for a 100,000$?","Stub your toe or bite your lips?","Eat sour patch kids or gummy bears?","Live in a city or the country side?","Would you sit in a bath of snakes for 10,000$?","Quit your job (or school) for 100,000$?","Eat cheetos or hot takis?","Would you rather have a diamond ring or 100,000$?","Be blind or be deaf?","Go to the zoo or the fair?","Would you rather never sing or never dance?","Hunt for everything you want to eat or only eat mcdonald's?","Eat pizza or give eat to a poor person?","No friends or no phone (computer etc...)","Have a smelly nose or smelly hair?","Eat M&M's or jelly beans?","Lose a feet of your choise or lose a hand of your choise?","Only talk sign lauguage or only talk in song lyrics?","Go to heaven when you die or be reborn in a good or bad familly?","Not shower for a week or take 5 shower's everyday for a week?","Save your favorite song or save 10 of your friends favorite song's?","Be reborn in a different world or be reborn in the same world with all the knowledge you have now?","Explore space or explore the ocean?","Lose the sense of taste or be colorblind?","Get 1$ every time you step or get 10 cents every time you blink?","Be homeless or live in prison?","Win 25,000$ or your friend gets 100,000
quot;,"Never use social media or never watch another movie?","Have no knees or no elbows?","Always be cold or be hot?","Live next to a big stadium or live next to the airport?","Find love today or win the lottery next year?","Have a pause button or a rewind button?","Be the most popular person or the most richest person?","Never watch TV again or only eat fast food?","Make fire or can run fast?","Have 10 toes on a foot or 10 fingers on a hand?","Never do a test again or never do homework again?","Get 1,000,000$ today or get 10,000$ every week starting now?","Be the oldest sibling or the youngest sibling?","Walk with no shoes in a public toilet or walk on poison ivy?","Be youtube famous or TV show famous?","Wake up in the middle of the desert or wake up in the middle of the ocean?","Never get a paper cut again or never have something stuck in your teeth again?","Walk on ice or walk on hot sement bear foot?","Be reborn as a dog or be reborn as a cat?","Clean the toilet with your toothbrush or lick the floor?","Never be able to wear pants or never be able to wear shorts?","Only eat canned food or only eat ramen for one week?","Know how you will die or when you will die?","Be 5 years older or 2 years younger?","Lose the ability to lie or trust any thing you are told?","Look stronge but be weak or look weak but be stronge?"],"Style":{"_id":"629735cc85daff1f706b374c","Type":0,"Colors":["#cad2c5","#0a0a0a","#84a98c","#52796f","#fbfbfb","#354f52","#2f3e46"],"Data":[[0,1],[2,1],[3,4],[5,4],[6,4]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":1,"ThumbnailUrl":"https://spinthewheel.app/assets/images/preview/would-u-rather-2NhI.png","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":null,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2022-11-21T08:24:42.980Z","CategoryId":4,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"would-u-rather-2NhI"}