Be a Dog πŸ• or a Cat 🐈? Be Single in 5 years or Married in 5 years? What kind of elemet bender would you be? Be a Fire πŸ”₯ bender or a Water πŸ’§ bender? Have 6 kids or no kids? Be a Lion 🦁 or a Tiger πŸ…? Own Coca-Cola or Pepsi πŸ₯€ Get 1 million dollars πŸ’Έ right now or 10000 dollars πŸ’΅ each month? What Grade would you rather Teacher? Be able to Teleport anywhere or Shape-shift in to any animal and take on its traits? Have a pet Unicorn πŸ¦„ or Dragon ? Have a pet Unicorn πŸ¦„ or pet Pegasus? Be able to fly πŸͺ° or Be able to Teleport? Have a pet Cow πŸ„ or Goat 🐐? Have one Hand or one Foot? Have Only EggsπŸ₯š and BaconπŸ₯“ Every Day or only Pancakes πŸ₯ž and syrup Every Day? Only be able to Shout or Only be able to Whisper? What 3 apps Would you Rather Only be able to use? Be able to Breath Underwater in Salt πŸ§‚ Water or Fresh Water πŸ’§? Never be able to eat your favorite Food, or have to eat Your Least favorite Food once a week? Own a pet Fish 🐟 or a pet Turtle 🐒 m Be an Herbivore πŸ₯— or a Carnivore πŸ₯“? Have trees 🌳 that cover up the sun almost completely, in your backyard or no trees in your backyard Step in Cactus 🌡 or Poison Ivy 🍁? Be able to draw things and they become real or Be able to talk to Animals? Own a Tiny dog or a Huge dog? πŸ• Be able to change your gender any time or be able to change your Outfit any time? Have one ear or one eye?

Would you Rather....

Spin the wheel to ponder dilemmas such as being a dog or a cat, being single or married in 5 years, selecting an element to bend (fire or water), deciding between owning Coca-Cola or Pepsi, and many more.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!

Would you Rather....

Spin the wheel to ponder dilemmas such as being a dog or a cat, being single or married in 5 years, selecting an element to bend (fire or water), deciding between owning Coca-Cola or Pepsi, and many more.
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
{"Title":"Would you Rather....","Description":"Spin the wheel to ponder dilemmas such as being a dog or a cat, being single or married in 5 years, selecting an element to bend (fire or water), deciding between owning Coca-Cola or Pepsi, and many more.","FontSize":7.2,"LabelsList":["Be a Dog πŸ• or a Cat 🐈?","Be Single in 5 years or Married in 5 years?","What kind of elemet bender would you be?","Be a Fire πŸ”₯ bender or a Water πŸ’§ bender?","Have 6 kids or no kids?","Be a Lion 🦁 or a Tiger πŸ…?","Own Coca-Cola or Pepsi πŸ₯€","Get 1 million dollars πŸ’Έ right now or 10000 dollars πŸ’΅ each month?","What Grade would you rather Teacher?","Be able to Teleport anywhere or Shape-shift in to any animal and take on its traits?","Have a pet Unicorn πŸ¦„ or Dragon ?","Have a pet Unicorn πŸ¦„ or pet Pegasus?","Be able to fly πŸͺ° or Be able to Teleport?","Have a pet Cow πŸ„ or Goat 🐐?","Have one Hand or one Foot?","Have Only EggsπŸ₯š and BaconπŸ₯“ Every Day or only Pancakes πŸ₯ž and syrup Every Day? ","Only be able to Shout or Only be able to Whisper?","What 3 apps Would you Rather Only be able to use?","Be able to Breath Underwater in Salt πŸ§‚ Water or Fresh Water πŸ’§? ","Never be able to eat your favorite Food, or have to eat Your Least favorite Food once a week?","Own a pet Fish 🐟 or a pet Turtle 🐒 m","Be an Herbivore πŸ₯— or a Carnivore πŸ₯“?","Have trees 🌳 that cover up the sun almost completely, in your backyard or no trees in your backyard","Step in Cactus 🌡 or Poison Ivy 🍁?","Be able to draw things and they become real or Be able to talk to Animals?","Own a Tiny dog or a Huge dog? πŸ•","Be able to change your gender any time or be able to change your Outfit any time?","Have one ear or one eye?"],"Style":{"_id":"64dd42c00d4ad009f97c721d","Type":0,"Colors":["#fffffe","#cb0000","#5c00ff","#c95ddb","#e91e63","#f44336","#9bb0ba","#9e9e9e","#795548","#ff5722","#ff9800","#ffc107","#ffeb3b","#cddc39","#8bc34a","#4caf50","#00bcd4","#03a9f4","#2196f3","#3f51b5","#673ab7","#9c27b0","#ffffff","#263238","#3f3f3f","#30221d","#741c00","#663d00","#694f00","#7e7100","#575e11","#38511b","#1e4620","#003c36","#004b55","#014462","#192048","#291749","#3e1046","#600927","#e5e5e5","#a97e6f","#ffbaa4","#ffc673","#ffde7d","#fff9c8","#e8efa3","#c5e1a5","#99d39b","#00dac5","#34e8ff","#69cffd","#97cef9","#8b97d7","#a385d8","#f48aae","#fbbab5"],"Data":[[0,1],[0,2],[0,3],[0,4],[0,5],[0,6],[0,7],[0,8],[0,9],[0,10],[0,11],[0,12],[0,13],[0,14],[0,15],[0,16],[0,17],[0,18],[0,19],[0,20],[0,21],[22,23],[22,24],[22,25],[22,26],[22,27],[22,28],[22,29],[22,30],[22,31],[22,32],[22,33],[22,34],[22,35],[22,36],[22,37],[22,38],[22,39],[22,40],[22,41],[22,42],[22,43],[22,44],[22,45],[22,46],[22,47],[22,48],[22,49],[22,50],[22,51],[22,52],[22,53],[22,54],[22,3],[22,55],[22,56]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":1,"ThumbnailUrl":"","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":null,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2023-08-17T05:51:37.999Z","CategoryId":7,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"would-you-rather"}