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Wrestlemania Watch

Spin the Wrestlemania Watch wheel and relive the iconic moments from the legendary event! With slices representing different Wrestlemania years (like 6, 33, 40, and many more), this wheel helps you decide which epic match or storyline to revisit. Use it for a nostalgic viewing party, to explore wrestling history, or to pick a random Wrestlemania to watch next for some classic action!
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!

Wrestlemania Watch

Spin the Wrestlemania Watch wheel and relive the iconic moments from the legendary event! With slices representing different Wrestlemania years (like 6, 33, 40, and many more), this wheel helps you decide which epic match or storyline to revisit. Use it for a nostalgic viewing party, to explore wrestling history, or to pick a random Wrestlemania to watch next for some classic action!
Go ahead and grab the FREE app to discover thousands more fun wheels!
{"Title":"Wrestlemania Watch","Description":"Spin the Wrestlemania Watch wheel and relive the iconic moments from the legendary event! With slices representing different Wrestlemania years (like 6, 33, 40, and many more), this wheel helps you decide which epic match or storyline to revisit. Use it for a nostalgic viewing party, to explore wrestling history, or to pick a random Wrestlemania to watch next for some classic action!","FontSize":12.6,"LabelsList":["6","33","40","7","5","9","20","18","24","12","10","3","26","8","37","31","2000","22","13","14","27","15","1","19","11","17","32","34","23","39","35","2","21","4","36","25","28","29","38","30"],"Style":{"_id":"67550af7ed129b04113439b6","Type":0,"Colors":["#d0bd10","#7d58bf","#e6d42f","#007af6","#21750d","#121614","#3787c9","#001adc","#9bb0ba","#03a9f4","#ff5722","#192048","#fd832e","#ffc107","#fdfbfc","#663d00","#f40902","#a7a7a7","#3f3f3f","#ff9400","#def300","#f8f600","#9e9e9e","#c95ddb","#fcd116","#673ab7","#4caf50","#0009cf","#bba900","#0a0a0a"],"Data":[[0,1],[2,3],[4,5],[6,1],[1,2],[7,1],[5,8],[2,9],[7,10],[11,12],[11,13],[14,2],[12,15],[0,1],[16,14],[17,16],[5,4],[11,18],[19,16],[16,20],[7,21],[2,5],[2,14],[6,8],[22,23],[24,6],[16,3],[25,26],[8,27],[28,14],[29,16],[2,16],[6,5],[2,1],[16,11],[7,29],[6,19],[2,3],[6,14],[25,24]],"Space":null},"ColorLock":null,"LabelRepeat":1,"ThumbnailUrl":"https://spinthewheel.app/assets/images/preview/wrestlemania-watch.png","Confirmed":true,"TextDisplayType":null,"Flagged":false,"DateModified":"2024-12-09T10:55:21.865Z","CategoryId":9,"Weights":[],"WheelKey":"wrestlemania-watch"}